Wednesday, 30 September 2009

The Gathering Storm...

She could stitch in a storm for days and then unpick it when the ground had had enough....

September is almost over, and autumn has truly set in, low sunlight, firey leaves and the sky full of stars... I'm filling my days; as always, with stacks of books, cloud grey scarfs and windblown papers, and my nights; with cups of steaming tea, tangy oranges and music that's oh so blue...

College is making me very happy, the time I can spend just reading; filling my head with tales and theory, poetry and philosophy is so indulgent, and yet I'm itching to make something, turn all that thought into something tangible, sound the narrative out in my own rhythm...

Today I love grey morning light low across the sheets, falling leaves and the smell of coffee drifting down the street. I love books worn and battered, and as always I cannot stand selfishness. Today the woman I am is still barefoot, she has been wandering and eating pears and her sleep is sound and deep...

1 comment:

chloeraub said...

how very inspiring for fall!