Tuesday 30 June 2009

Witch's Thimble...

She could call up a storm with a single tread of her raven hair and draw down the rains with a petal...

I've so many ideas still flitting around my head; I gathered hundreds of superstitions for my degree, all handwritten and stored in an old index cabinet, and I discovered they mostly concern one of three things; love, death or the weather. I've worked with death; drowning sailors and lost souls... and so now begins a new project 13 tales of love and the weather... superstitions made tangible, a weather watcher weaving charms, embroidery and lace, rain on the roses and stormy skies, summer breezes and sheets on the lines; so many ideas so much work to do.

Today the clouds have rolled in and the sky is heavy with heat and rain, the roses tumble over walls and hedges spilling their colour over the green, the bats are back in the fireplaces and flit into the house and the bees wander in dazed from pollen and heat... Today I love crisp linen, cool against my skin. I love well worn books, the sound of laughter through the rooms and the smell of lemons. As always I can't stand disregard for others. Today the woman I want to be is grace, she doesn't doubt and finds all the time she needs... she always bakes cakes from those lemons, dusted off with sugar and summer roses and she always finds light in the rains...

1 comment:

Juli said...

Your writing is always so lovely, it intrigues me. I would love to hear more about your new project. :)