Every evening, as the waves lapped in, stray apples would wash up on the beach and the horizon would tilt a little more off balance...Its been over a month since my last post, I'm back to college and I've had a few family hiccups but my world is settled now and autumn has truly set in, long golden sunsets, turning leaves, crisp air and so I feel much more content.
I spent last weekend in Donegal, my favourite place in the world, salty air and golden light... I loved taking these beach images (more on flickr) it was a little tricky but I'm happy with this now.
I'm developing my narratives for college, and I'm very excited about how each could become a final body of work. I'm not settling yet though I want to explore as much as I can, I feel some of my images will be fixed points in the narratives but I
need to create something tangible, something I can hold. I'm thinking of a book, although that would create a fixed order to the narratives...
I had a wonderful experience last weekend, I put my images and narratives on the coffee table in Donegal and my friends moved them around into the order they felt right with, I'd like the narratives to be that fluid, to act as mnemonics and become personal narratives to the viewer. I'm not sure if this will be possible for me...
I've been watching the apples change, and much prefer this image to the earlier greener one. I love the colours of autumn but my narratives have been so summer based I'm worried about how to take them through into autumn and winter, but I'll let it go, just keep taking photos and see where the narrative takes me.
Before the apple tree goes over I'd love to install hundreds of pearls strung through the branches, purely for the aesthetic, typical me, but you never know what that will lead to...
I'd really love to know how these images work for others, I know the narrative and it makes sense to me, obviously, but I find it difficult to take a step back and detach myself from it to view it as the audience would...
Something else I've been thinking of is selling prints of my images, my aunt has framed and hung two of my images from the Vie en Rose narrative, it was strange to see my work on someones wall, but it got me to thinking if my images would sell, I'm not sure... So any feedback about either point would be more than welcome...
I hope to be posting more regularly now, I have so many ideas for this project and I'm lucky to be in a course where I can indulge them.
Today I love golden light, sand in my shoes and salty air. I love my Lizzie Bennet coat and apples in my pockets, and as always I loathe lies. Today the woman I
was, drank frothy strong coffee in the morning light and ate a pear walking down the street, she accepted a compliment and watched movies spoken in a foreign tongue...